The Enhanced Mentoring Program with Opportunities for Ways to Excel in Research (EMPOWER) was developed to support IU Indianapolis faculty who are historically underrepresented and/or excluded populations in their discipline or area of scholarship and historically denied admission to higher education or that discipline, 1) to become successful in sponsored research and scholarly activity, and 2) to achieve significant professional growth and advancement.
Traditional one-on-one mentoring in the academy addresses two dimensions: career/professional development and social-psychological support. Peer mentoring circles allow all participants to engage as equal contributors and recipients of mentoring benefits. These benefits include, but are not limited to, a sense of community and belonging, personal and professional growth through critical feedback, access to new ideas and resources, opportunities to hone problem-solving and conflict-resolution skills, increased self and cultural-awareness, and much more.
Background and Rationale
EMPOWER Mentoring Circles (EMC) offer opportunities for current and past EMPOWER participants to engage with one another, create peer support, and build networks around broad and specific topics. They are peer-driven, with participants contributing expertise and best practices to collectively address issues and needs. EMCs are shaped by lived experiences, cross-functional in nature, and self-managed. Targeted guidance and support from EMPOWER administrators can be provided upon request.
All past and current EMPOWER participants are welcome to request the opportunity to create a mentoring circle using the EMPOWER Mentoring Circle Request Form.
EMPOWER Mentoring Circles are comprised of at least four (4) participants and are formed based on specific topics and needs identified by the participants.
Convener: The primary role of the convener is to facilitate a process to identify topics and strategies for effective mentoring, invite other peer mentors to the circle, encourage engagement among the circle participants, and provide guidance for successful discussions. The convener should also be expected to learn and grow from the contributions of the peers in the circle. The role of EMOPWER administrator is to provide advice and peripheral support, but the discussion and activities of the EMCs are the shared responsibilities of the circle participants.
Duration: Over the course of one year, the members of an EMC can meet as often as needed. But it is advised for the peer mentors to reserve the first couple of meetings to get to know one another, begin building trust and a sense of belonging, and to clarify the purpose and collective goals for the group.
EMC Administrative Contact
Questions can be directed to Etta Ward at ude[dot]ui[at]drawme or 317-278-8427.